DiMMi International – ITHACA

Multimedia Migrant Diaries (Diari Multimediali Migranti – www.dimmidistoriemigranti.it) is a life story contest taking place on a yearly basis to collect and disseminate self- narration stories by individuals with migratory experience or background. Until now, the contest has been based on stories of migrants who either live or have lived in Italy. The contest has been originally promoted in Italy and since 2012 it has contributed to raise public awareness and involvement of issues such as peace and intercultural dialogue. Over the years, the DIMMI Diary Contest received more than 500 written and oral testimonies now preserved and available in the National Diary Archive in Pieve Santo Stefano.

In 2024, DIMMI aims at reaching a new international dimension and the initiative expands to other Mediterranean contexts with “DiMMi International – ITHACA Diary Contest,” in its first edition, developed in collaboration with the European research project ITHACA – Interconnecting Histories and Archives for Migrant Agency: Entangled Narratives Across Europe and the Mediterranean Region (www.ithacahorizon.eu), funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 program.

The diary contest allows to collect and preserve a plural cultural heritage in danger of being lost. Additionally, it contributes to contrast stereotypes surrounding the themes of migrations and migrants, and hate speech through the direct narration of women and men with their personal or family experiences.

Who can participate?

Any person with a personal or family migratory background living in the Mediterranean region who is willing to share his/her own life experience.


Participants are invited to share their autobiographical accounts whether written, video/audio recorded or drawn. The written contributions can be delivered in either Arabic, French, English, Greek and Italian; in case participants wish to use any other preferred language, they should also provide a translation in English.

The contributions have to be sent to the addresses below within March 31, 2024. The stories are expected to reflect the personal life experience of the author and help foster a new narrative of migration seen through the migrants’ own eyes and their multiple points of view. This narrative mainly aims at deconstructing the mainstream discourse of the migratory phenomenon. The selection process will also focus on the contributions’ capacity to convey the full range of diversity which characterizes contemporary migrations.
The authors will be introduced to the public during the contest ceremony which will be held during the Pieve Santo Stefano Award on September 13-15, 2024.

The selected stories will be published in a collective volume. Furthermore, all the stories received will be collected at the National Diary Archive of Pieve Santo Stefano.

For further information:

→Monica Massari      monica.massari@unimi.it
→Paule Roberta Yao  p.yao@archiviomemoriemigranti.net
→Federica Manzoli    federica.manzoli@unimore.it
→Maria Chiara Rioli   mariachiara.rioli@unimore.it


Italiano                      English                    Français                    عَرَبيّ                     Ελληνικά

Scheda                                 Form                                Formulaire                           استمارة                           Κάρτα

Regolamento                      Regulation                       Règlement                           أنظمة                              Κανονισμός