About us

The Archive of Migrant Memories began to take shape in 2007 in a school set up by the NGO “Asinitas” to teach Italian to refugees and migrants. Through the “Confini” (Borders) project, AMM received the support of the lettera27 foundation.

In January 2012 AMM registered as an association for social promotion (APS).

AMM collects and disseminates life stories and testimonies on migration, both oral and written. It produces audio and video documentaries and organizes personal narratives and antiracism workshops for schools with the active participation of migrants.

Authors, researchers, filmmakers, fieldworkers and volunteers are committed to generating a new, participatory and interactive means of communication, thereby ensuring that traces of the migratory processes under way will be recorded and that ‘other’ memories can become part of the collective heritage of Italian society.

AMM is registered in the Registro delle Associazioni di promozione sociale of Lazio (n. 1729 del 9/03/2015) (Registry of social promotion associations); and in the UNAR Registro delle Associazioni e degli Enti che svolgono attività nel campo della lotta alle discriminazioni (n. 480 del 24/10/2016) (Registry of associations and bodies involved in the fight against discrimination).

Our activities

AMM’s activities are based on the use of participatory methods enhancing a multiplicity of forms of expression.  Careful attention to the listening context and the quality of the speaker-listener relationship is at the core of our approach. The adoption of ‘circular’ and intersecting forms of storytelling makes it possible for the speaker-listener roles to be interchangeable. Listening is preceded by establishing a common space, sharing levels of discourse and ideals, working not only among migrants but with them, so that in representing themselves they can be the protagonists of their stories and can master the tools of self-expression.

The team

Board (2020-2022)
Alessandro Triulzi (chair); Dagmawi Yimer (deputy chair); Zakaria Mohamed Ali (deputy chair); Gianluca Gatta (secretary); Giusy Muzzopappa (treasurer); Livia Apa; Monica Bandella; Mara Matta; Marina Mazzoni.

Djarah Akan (Emmanuela Peace Boamah Osei); Mahamed Aman Said; Livia Apa; Mario Badagliacca; Monica Bandella; Giulio Cederna; Raya Cohen; Hevi Dilara (Bengin Aksu); Carmela di Noi; Gobena Sintayehu Eshetu; Giulia Falzea; Gianluca Gatta; Enrico Grammaroli; Susanna Guerini; Gabriella Guido; Irene Iacuitto; Abubakar Jokof; Francesca Locatelli; Monica Massari; Mara Matta; Zakaria Mohamed Ali; Giusy Muzzopappa; Walter Paradiso; Maria Luisa Peliti; Gaia Reale; Cinzia Sarto; Giulia Sbaffi; Paola Splendore; Guido Stanco; Alessandro Triulzi; Federico Triulzi; Gabriel Tzeggai; Ester Vigilante; Dagmawi Yimer.

On our journey we ran into other instructors, researchers, writers, fellow travellers to whom we owe a debt of gratitude for their contributions and for sharing their different opinions and knowledge with us.  They include (in alphabetical order): Thomas Büsch, Piero Cavallari, Iain Chambers, Marzia Coronati, Roberta Derosas, Antonella Fischetti, Roman Herzog, Karina Horsti, Ruth Iyob, Paolo Jedlowski, Sabine Küper-Büsch, Tahar Lamri, Fiorella Leone, Angelia Leitung, Maaza Mengiste, Federica Mazzara, Sara Modigliani, Virginia Monteforte, John Muruiri, Luisa Passerini and the researchers of the “Bodies Across Borders” Project at the EUI in Florence, Elise Pisani, Massimo Pistacchi, Sandro Portelli, Omerita Ranalli, Lorenzo Romito, Nando Sigona, Marco Stefanelli, Jane Wilkinson, Simona Wright.