
This section includes audiovisual productions created in close collaboration with AMM in projects in which the Archive played an important part (“Il rovescio della migrazione. Un’analisi comparativa su tutela e diritto alla salute”, 2014/2015, progetto Fei 2013 – Azione 10 – Prog. n. 105189, proposal coordinator Frantz Fanon association, contribution by Dagmawi Yimer and Giulio Cederna; participatory videos produced by the 4canixstrada association, contribution by Gabriel Tzeggai and Gianluca Gatta); productions using AMM video material (“Mare madre”, in collaboration with Museo della Sila and Fondazione Napoli99), or cultural initiatives carried out with art projects (Nationless Pavilion, in collaboration with Nationless25 and Civico Zero) or with production companies in order to take part in national film contests (bandi Migrarti-Cinema 2017-2018).

Oltre i muri – Beyond the walls
di Juan Pablo Etcheverry, 2019 (7’)
A short film inspired by DiMMi’s self-narrative workshops conducted by AMM in shelters and schools.

by Dagmawi Yimer (17’23”, 2015)

C.A.R.A. Italia
by Dagmawi Yimer (38′, 2010)

R-esistenze | Oltre i miei confini | Nako – La terra
Three shorts made in the context of the Videopartecipativo Sardegna.
Participatory audiovisual platform, designed by the 4Caniperstrada association as part of the research project “Nuovi linguaggi e pratiche audiovisive nella Sardegna contemporanea: il video partecipativo e la ricerca di un’antropologia condivisa” (New audiovisual languages and practices in contemporary Sardinia: participatory videomaking and the search for a shared anthropology”), funded by the Region of Sardinia and in partnership with the Archivio delle memorie migranti and ZaLab.

The Delivery | La consegna
by Suranga D. Katugampala
winner of the 2017 MigrArti prize
co-produced with Oktafilm, Pianoterra

For a son – Per un figlio
by Suranga D. Katugampala (2016)
winner of the 2015 Mutti-AMM prize

by Suranga D. Katugampala
in partnership with Fondazione Pianoterra and the Antropos association of Tor Sapienza (Rome).